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On 10th December 1948 , the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed: for the first time in the history of humanity, a document concerning all the people of the world was drawn up. Everyone of us, only due to the fact that he was born, enjoys the rights endorsed by the Declaration. Everyone of us, regardless of the place where he was born and where he lives, enjoys these rights. Everyone of us has civil, political, social, economical and cultural rights. Everyone of us is equal to the others. Is it always so? In HUMAN RIGHTS? artists speak about human rights. The title, simple and direct, without roundabout expressions, expresses the main idea which must go with everybody’s life. In this event, uncomfortable, complex and denunciation subjects are dealt with, in order to sting the conscience of all those who, enjoying their own rights, don’t think about all people whose rights are violated every day. The logic of HUMAN RIGHTS? is based on the fundamental concept of art as a universal expressive form, understandable by everybody regardless of his language and culture, regardless of his gender, of the subject and of the languages used. Languages vary depending on the artists’ experience and mastery, and they create new relationships with the audience, who approaches art feeling immediately involved and directly concerned. Discomfort images, violated rights images, images about everyday stories which should not exist, but even images which are able to deal with a delicate and difficult subject with wisdom and, why not, irony. The exhibition will highlight different ways to see the matter, since the event is open to artists from all over the world. It becomes so particularly interesting to discover in which way the perception of the concept of “respect of the rights” is experienced and expressed. The event aims to shake consciences: it deeply wants to avoid common places brought by word abuse: to speak about human rights has become so common that the words “human rights violation” are deprived of all meaning and by now they touch us only at a distance when we hear them, without getting them into our heads. The most immediate way to retrieve that conscience, essential to be really part of a system which respects everybody’s rights, is to see with one’s eyes all that artists have to say. Images insert themselves in one’s memory in such an immediate and strong way that all those who visit it will leave it more conscious and emotionally involved. To speak about human rights, according to artists, means to “pull out” many ideas which can’t find the space fit for the purpose in other events. HUMAN RIGHTS? wants to be a strong signal to all the artists and to all those who will visit it.
‘HUMAN RIGHTS?’ is the international art exhibition that has a big success in its four editions. The first edition was held in Real Sito Belvedere di San Leucio a Caserta in 2009. The other editions were held in Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti of Rovereto (Tn) and in 2012 was in a double edition, in Acaya Castle in Lecce in spring and in Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti in autumn. The last one were held in Convento dei Francescani Neri in Specchia (Lecce, Italy) in summer 2013.
Curated by Roberto Ronca
![]() INNOCENT, 60x60cm, Acrylic and collage on canvas |
How are judged the underage persons for their actions; Are they the only responsible for their crimes; How guilty is the society and the family for their stumbles and how their rights are protected;; Affection can make them better persons or strict punishment;;
Come sono giudicati i minori per le loro azioni; Sono gli unici responsabili dei loro reati; Quanto colpevole è la società e la famiglia per le loro inciampate e come sono protetti i loro diritti; L'affetto può renderle persone migliori o la punizione rigorosa;;
THE LOCATION FONDAZIONE OPERA CAMPANA DEI CADUTI DI ROVERETO (Trento - Italia) -Rovereto houses on the hill the great bell of the fallen, Maria Dolens, perceived and desired by the priest of the city don Antonio Rossaro, right after the Great War, as eternal symbol of condemnation of the conflict, pacification of the consciences, of brotherhood among men, solidarity between peoples. made from the bronze of cannons offered by the nations participating in the First World War, played the first toll on 4th October 1925 in the presence of King Vittorio Emanuele III. During these years the bell has made its voice heard playing every night one hundred tolls of admonishment to life and to peace. Statesman, Presidents and Ambassadors with citizens of each nations have honoured the bell and they continue to hear as a voice of own conscience. Eighty-four Nations have exposing their flag around Maria Dolens, first name of the Bell, along the avenue of the Flags and in the Square of the People, to witness, visibly, the fidelity to a message, to a sort a “Peace’s Pact”. 18th Jenuary 1968, by a decree of the President of Republic, Giuseppe Saragat, born as moral entity the Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti. Among the Foundation’s finality, particular attention is given to the education of the new generations, to the peace culture, to the nonviolence and to human rights.
![]() The great bell of the fallen, Maria Dolens | ![]() Fondazione opera campana dei caduti di Rovereto (Trento - Italia) |
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